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[ENG] Windjammers: Tutorial for Beginners

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[ENG] Windjammers: Tutorial for Beginners Empty [ENG] Windjammers: Tutorial for Beginners

Message  Sandow Sam 24 Jan 2015 - 21:15

Preliminary note

IMPORTANT : As indicated in the German wiki, it is possible to use the Negative Edge in the game. Maintain [ENG] Windjammers: Tutorial for Beginners Ared10 before catching the disc, it will then be possible to throw it by simply letting go of the button when the disc is in your hand, the same goes for Super Throws


Moves summary

Phase →
Button ↓
[ENG] Windjammers: Tutorial for Beginners Ared10
Normals / Super (Spin)
Curve / Super Sonic Shoot
Reversal Super (All types)
Dash / Toss
[ENG] Windjammers: Tutorial for Beginners Byello10

Lob / Hammer Throw

Reversal Hammer Throw

Caption :

[ENG] Windjammers: Tutorial for Beginners Ared10 = A button

[ENG] Windjammers: Tutorial for Beginners Byello10 = B button

[ENG] Windjammers: Tutorial for Beginners Apush10 = Push A

[ENG] Windjammers: Tutorial for Beginners Bpush10 = Push B

[ENG] Windjammers: Tutorial for Beginners Stick10 = Neutral Position

[ENG] Windjammers: Tutorial for Beginners Anydir10 = Any directions

[ENG] Windjammers: Tutorial for Beginners Direct10 = Any directions (Except backward)

[ENG] Windjammers: Tutorial for Beginners Cercle11 = Quarter-circle or half-circle motions (In any directions)


I) Offense
This first part will be dedicated to offensive phases, for everything regarding defense, please refer to the second part

- Normals

[ENG] Windjammers: Tutorial for Beginners Dira10

[ENG] Windjammers: Tutorial for Beginners Lancer10[ENG] Windjammers: Tutorial for Beginners Wjamme12

This disc throw is done very simply by pushing [ENG] Windjammers: Tutorial for Beginners Ared10, the speed of the throw differs from character to character and it is impossible to keep the disc forever, the game has a system of automatic throw, every directions can be combined but the use of the backward diagonals ([ENG] Windjammers: Tutorial for Beginners Bgauch10 and [ENG] Windjammers: Tutorial for Beginners Hgauch10) is not advised, those do not permit the disc to go fast enough in a trajectory susceptible to trick the opponent. The oblique shots ([ENG] Windjammers: Tutorial for Beginners Bdroit10 or [ENG] Windjammers: Tutorial for Beginners Hdroit10 + [ENG] Windjammers: Tutorial for Beginners Ared10) are to favor when close to the net, while high and low trajectories ([ENG] Windjammers: Tutorial for Beginners Bas10 or [ENG] Windjammers: Tutorial for Beginners Haut10 + [ENG] Windjammers: Tutorial for Beginners Ared10) should be used to seek the rebound, especially on large stadiums.

- Super Sonic Shoot

[ENG] Windjammers: Tutorial for Beginners Stick312

[ENG] Windjammers: Tutorial for Beginners Sonic110[ENG] Windjammers: Tutorial for Beginners Wjamme13

The Super Sonic Shoot is a variant of the normal throw which allows to compensate for the slowness of the throw of some characters, the Super Sonic shoot is triggered when you push [ENG] Windjammers: Tutorial for Beginners Ared10 as soon as you catch the disc, the game also offers you one Super Sonic Shoot when you serve after taking several points without scoring any (as an example, at 00-08) during a set, the likelihood to throw Super Sonic Shoots varies enormously from one character to another (see the dexterity characteristic on the Wiki)

- Curves

[ENG] Windjammers: Tutorial for Beginners Circa10


If the normal throws have direct trajectories, the curves allow the disc to adopt trajectories that are more or less curved to trick the opponent, the inputs needed to make a curve are either a quarter-circle or an half-circle + [ENG] Windjammers: Tutorial for Beginners Ared10 from any direction, note that curves can be thrown as a Super Sonic Shoot

- Lob

[ENG] Windjammers: Tutorial for Beginners Anyb10

[ENG] Windjammers: Tutorial for Beginners Lob110[ENG] Windjammers: Tutorial for Beginners Lob210

If the dimensions of width and length are managed with the stick and [ENG] Windjammers: Tutorial for Beginners Ared10, height is managed by [ENG] Windjammers: Tutorial for Beginners Byello10 (The negative edge can also be used with this button), the lob can be used for many different purposes: Break the rythm, push an opponent to come to the net or on the contrary, force him to the back of his court, the 8 directions can be used to send the disc where we want in the court, the quicker you throw, the further it will go, the longer you wait (the closer to the automatic throw), the closer to the net the lob will land

- Supers

Note : Throwing a super needs you to charge by parrying the disc into the air or being under the landing spot of a lob (See "parrying the disc / toss" in the second part)

There are three kinds of Supers detailed below, take note that the supers are the only offensive techniques that allow you to score points by pushing your opponent inside his goals

a) Super Customs

[ENG] Windjammers: Tutorial for Beginners Dua10

[ENG] Windjammers: Tutorial for Beginners Custom11[ENG] Windjammers: Tutorial for Beginners Custom10

Specific to each character, it can be triggered by pushing [ENG] Windjammers: Tutorial for Beginners Ared10 after having charged it, the trajectory can be modified by inputting these directions: [ENG] Windjammers: Tutorial for Beginners Bas10 or [ENG] Windjammers: Tutorial for Beginners Haut10

b) Super Spin

[ENG] Windjammers: Tutorial for Beginners Circa10

[ENG] Windjammers: Tutorial for Beginners Spin110[ENG] Windjammers: Tutorial for Beginners Spin210

Can be triggered in the same way as a simple Curve (Quarter or half circle + [ENG] Windjammers: Tutorial for Beginners Ared10), always after a Super charge, the direction of the disc can vary enormously depending on the inputs performed during the throw.

c) Hammer Throw

[ENG] Windjammers: Tutorial for Beginners Dub10

[ENG] Windjammers: Tutorial for Beginners Suplob11[ENG] Windjammers: Tutorial for Beginners Suplob10

Also called Super Lob, this super is very useful to punish an opponent that is too far from its goals, combining [ENG] Windjammers: Tutorial for Beginners Bas10 or [ENG] Windjammers: Tutorial for Beginners Haut10 with [ENG] Windjammers: Tutorial for Beginners Byello10 allows you to choose which corner you want to send the disc to, take note that if you wait before using the technique, the disc will start rolling on its side closer to the net.


Dernière édition par Sandow le Mer 28 Jan 2015 - 16:34, édité 15 fois

Messages : 8
Date d'inscription : 23/01/2015

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[ENG] Windjammers: Tutorial for Beginners Empty Re: [ENG] Windjammers: Tutorial for Beginners

Message  Sandow Sam 24 Jan 2015 - 21:17

Preliminary Notes

IMPORTANT : The Negative Edge can also be used on the defensive, to execute a dash as an example, you can safely catch the disc as close as you want to the goal when the throw you are catching is a Normal, a Super Sonic Shoot or a Curve, however, when catching a Super Custom, a Super Spin or an Hammer Throw, positioning in front of the goal lines becomes an imperative or your character may get pushed inside the goal along with the disc when he catches it

[ENG] Windjammers: Tutorial for Beginners Dafens10

[ENG] Windjammers: Tutorial for Beginners Dafens11


II) Defense

The second part of this tutorial will be exclusively dedicated to defensive phases, which are when your character do not have the disc in its hands.


[ENG] Windjammers: Tutorial for Beginners Anya10

[ENG] Windjammers: Tutorial for Beginners Dash_b10

To Dash (a) with your character, you just need to maintain a direction and push [ENG] Windjammers: Tutorial for Beginners Ared10, the dash can be made in all 8 directions of the joystick, there is a variant of the dash named Long Dash (b) which consists of maintaining [ENG] Windjammers: Tutorial for Beginners Ared10 once you dashed. This technique is to be used sparingly, for once you started a dash, you cannot change direction. The Dash can be a follow up after a Toss without charging a Super to accomplish a Sliding Pick Up, you can dash in any direction as the disc is coming down and catch it during the dash, it allows you to move with the disc in your hands, something that is otherwise impossible. Catching the disc during a Dash does not hinder your speed, so, the further your character can dash, the better the Sliding Pick Up


[ENG] Windjammers: Tutorial for Beginners Stick10[ENG] Windjammers: Tutorial for Beginners Apush10

[ENG] Windjammers: Tutorial for Beginners Toss10

To Toss the disc in the air, you need to push [ENG] Windjammers: Tutorial for Beginners Ared10 at the right moment when the disc arrives (a), the character will then parry the disc which will be tossed up in the air, the chances to charge your super (b) will depend on the proximity of the disc and the hitbox of your character. The Toss can also be used to simply advance in the court (c)


Like the Supers, there exist three different Reversals

a) Super Custom Reversal

[ENG] Windjammers: Tutorial for Beginners Dua10

[ENG] Windjammers: Tutorial for Beginners Revcus10[ENG] Windjammers: Tutorial for Beginners Revcus11

This can be used to send back the Super Custom of your opponent, push [ENG] Windjammers: Tutorial for Beginners Ared10 when the Super Custom makes contact with your character's hitbox.

b) Super Spin Reversal

[ENG] Windjammers: Tutorial for Beginners Circa10

[ENG] Windjammers: Tutorial for Beginners Revers10[ENG] Windjammers: Tutorial for Beginners Revers11

The Super Spin Reversal can be done by combining quarter-circles (In two directions, [ENG] Windjammers: Tutorial for Beginners Bas10 [ENG] Windjammers: Tutorial for Beginners Bgauch10 can be enough) with [ENG] Windjammers: Tutorial for Beginners Ared10, this Reversal can counter Super Customs, another Super Spin or a Hammer Throw

c) Hammer Throw Reversal

[ENG] Windjammers: Tutorial for Beginners Duba10

[ENG] Windjammers: Tutorial for Beginners Revlob11[ENG] Windjammers: Tutorial for Beginners Revlob10

Only reversal that can be done with [ENG] Windjammers: Tutorial for Beginners Byello10, it requires a perfect timing to avoid throwing a simple lob in its place, it can also be done with [ENG] Windjammers: Tutorial for Beginners Ared10 if the opponent throws a Hammer Throw, the directions up and down can be used to calibrate where the disc will land. This Reversal can be used against all types of Supers, be it a Super Custom, a Super Spin or another Hammer Throw


Messages : 8
Date d'inscription : 23/01/2015

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[ENG] Windjammers: Tutorial for Beginners Empty Re: [ENG] Windjammers: Tutorial for Beginners

Message  bloodhokuto Dim 18 Oct 2015 - 14:30

Great guide.

Just getting back into Windjammers recently and I am glad there is a fansite for this game.

I also like Battle Flip shot too.


Messages : 1
Date d'inscription : 18/10/2015
Localisation : Kent, England.

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[ENG] Windjammers: Tutorial for Beginners Empty Re: [ENG] Windjammers: Tutorial for Beginners

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